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Image by LaserWorld LaserBeam

Interferometer Experiments

Quick Summery

Using the compression of spacetime from our Warp Drive we were able to compress the laser's light.

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Image by Opt Lasers

Interferometer Experiments

     In 1994 Miguel Alcubierre theorized the Space Warp concept, in which he proposed a method in theory to cause the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract and the space behind it to expand. A ship would ride inside this region characterized as a local space warp bubble of flat space. Since the ship is not moving within this bubble, it is simply carried along as the region itself moves. Conventional relativistic effects are not violated since it is just the contraction of the metric of space in front of the ship and the expansion would, in theory, return to normal space behind the object. A ship using this methodology could reach its destination faster than a light beam restricted to travelling outside the warp bubble. Some theoretical calculations indicate that it may be possible achieve the equivalent of 100 times the speed of light in a space warp scenario.


     Up until this theory, artificially inducing Space Warp has been limited to the amount of power necessary to create the warp. Recently, scientists have estimated the power needed to induce space warp, to be the equivalent energy of Jupiter and the latest calculation the equivalent energy of the weight of a Voyager Spacecraft. In a new ground breaking development, a micro space warp experiment has shown that sustainable micro space warp fields can be induced and measured using very low energy. The Micro Warp experiment is a result of years of investigating pilot accounts, and of induced local space warp or linear displacement while getting caught up into thunderstorm activity. After evaluating these reports of weather related space warp phenomena, it was concluded that even though there is evidence to support the existence of a warp bubble in these instances, an experiment was needed to recreate, detect, and measure in a controlled Laboratory environment. Getting the perfect conditions in the atmosphere to recreate the situations needed, was virtually impossible.  A laboratory recreation of these conditions was necessary.


     The experiment replicates the internal electrical structures in a thunderstorm and uses a laser based Interferometer to detect any aberrations in the resultant fields. Specially designed Tripole antennas generate the fields in which a laser beam is then positioned between the four resultant crossed fields. If subsequent laser light is compressed, the resultant fringe patterns generated will be physically displaced inward on the display screen using a laser based interferometer detector. The equipment used can display fringe pattern changes up to 1 in 3000. An HD web cam is used to take snap shots of the displayed fringe patterns which has been collected and analyzed. A fractal analysis program is used to examine the fringe patterns as well as look at the image brightness of the individual pixels on the resultant plate. The collected data is then put through comparator software programs to calculate changes in brightness and to determine if a compression of the laser generated fringe pattern can be detected. In addition individual points of data have been mapped out and plotted to determine the shape of the micro warp field as well as the amount of laser beam compression. The Micro Warp Experiment uses the concept that when a laser beam is put into a crossed field generated by two tripole antennas, the laser light will be compressed which will be indicated by the fringe patterns generated on the display screen from the laser based interferometer.

































Experiment Parameters


►The Micro Warp Experiment uses the concept that when a laser beam is put into a crossed field generated by two tripole antennas, the laser light will be compressed, which will be indicated by the fringe patterns generated on the display screen from the laser based interferometer.

►A web cam will be activated when the fields are active and take snap shots of the fringe patterns which will be collected and analyzed. To determine if a fringe pattern has changed, a fractal analysis program will be used as well as looking at the image brightness of the plate. The collected data will be examined by a comparator process to look for changes in brightness and the fringe pattern. Both of these techniques will be used to validate if the laser beam fringe pattern did compress.

►The equipment used is very sensitive and the fringe pattern result can display changes up to 1 in 3000.

►The tripole antennas replicate the internal electrical patterns in a thunderstorm. The resultant crossed fields will represent the process that is formed during the maturing stage of the storm.


Experiment Results


From Omaha Nebraska, on October 15th 2012 at 6:05PM, the first confirmation of the existence of micro space warp was discovered. In an experiment that has been in design and construction for over a year, the first artificially induced and detected compression of a laser beam was produced while being directed through a micro warp field. The data was obtained using a set of specialized tripole antennas through which a laser was directed to an interferometer, where a resultant fringe pattern was displayed and captured. A collection of data points outlined the volumetric micro warp field and depicted the micro warp core.


The team consisted of David Pares an Adjunct Meteorology Professor and Matt Judah, a Physics Student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. This discovery has some very far reaching implication, such as space flight within the solar system and beyond and terrestrial transportation of all types. The next step is to construct a micro craft that will use some advance flexible fractal tripole antenna fields that can demonstrate sustained maneuvering of an autonomous micro craft.



     In the slide above the first column of pictures the Tripole fields are shown in an OFF state. (No Compression). Notice in the second column of pictures that the Tripole fields are in an ON state and one can observe the laser fringe pattern has been compressed. Notice the fringe pattern has moved inward and that the brightness values have decreased and finally there is a darker mid-section on the lower right. © 2012 David Pares 9

     As the experiment evolved, it became apparent to see if a device could be constructed to demonstrate a movement induced by linear displacement (i.e. the compression of the fabric of space) . Miniaturizing the tripole arrays presented a whole new set of challenges; a small physical size was needed that maintained the integrity of the frequency and wavelength used in the initial design. It was concluded that the solution would be a fractal array design.

     This provided a very small flexible foot print that still allowed for substantial power levels that would be used in further testing. The 146 MHz frequency was used as a base design for the fractal arrays. Several fractal iterations were tested successfully (fractal iteration 3rd to the 8th). The 8th fractal iteration had the best response and robust properties. Over long periods of testing no copper derogation was observed when higher power levels were implemented. As the evaluation continued, the variable tripole phased fractal arrays produced a measurable compression metric of .1 mm / sec at a 100 watt of power with a total displacement of 1.2 cm in a 2 minute time frame. This series of experiments demonstrated the ability to artificially induce a sustainable micro-local space warp bubble which compressed the fabric of space.

A radiation meter was also used with only an increase of .5 of a micro rem at a 100 watt output. The Signal to Wave Ratio output maintained a 1:1.1 ratio to the fractal tripole arrays. Other experiments included weight differential measurements using mechanical scales with the fractal drive placed on a standoff up or down from the scale.

     Testing concluded with two drives suspended from a vertical 2000 gram spring scale has provided additional insight to how to shape and manipulate micro warp fields. The fields that were generated from each warp drive can be combined and further measurements revealed directional steering using varied power levels on each device. A 3 gram pull down was recorded as well as a 1.8 cm left to right turn, with a .5 mm/sec compression metric over a 2 minute time trial. The fractal arrays have provided many clues on how the local space warp bubble works. Data has been obtain using power levels at 5, 10, 15, 25, 100 and 160 watts of power, allowing the creation of a power to compression metric and lifting weight graph. The various power increments measurements have projected an exponential resultant curve.

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